Best Possible Way How To Contact Aliens? Alien Signals.

To Contact Aliens life beyond the world, we have to try so many different ways. Because what process we use for sending messages or signals, aliens might not understand that. We think we are the only ones trying to find extraterrestrial life. What if aliens also try to find us, because we are aliens to them. We will discuss how to contact aliens? And what kind of signal aliens can send us?

After 60 years of searching, naw research is revealing stunning possibilities. From the planetary to the galactic and beyond. We found so many Extraterrestrial Planets that are habitat for living things. In the search for alien life, finding even a tiny microbe would be historic. Are Aliens really out there? Will we ever make contact with aliens? How powerful will they be?

How many possible ways to send Signal to aliens?

At times we wonder about how to contact aliens. We can use so many methods to send signals but we have to think that our messages should be understandable for other extraterrestrial life. If they don’t understand our sinlan it will be a waste of time and effort. But it’s hard to realize without knowing what they are like. And if aliens exist, from their perspective itr will be the same. That’s why we also have to think what kind of signal they can send us.

Radio Wave Signal:

200 years ago we dreamed of lighting huge rings of fire in the Sahara desert to Contact Aliens. In the 1860s, a French poet proposed a patchwork of giant mirrors reflecting sunlight to Mars in the form of the big dipper. But if we want to send a signal across an ocean of Space bonfires and reflected sunlight won’t help you much. Even a nuclear war on a nearby planet would be virtually impossible to detect with current technology. To get our messages across we need a form of light that we can’t even see.

How to contact aliens life on other platen.
Most common and easy way to send messages is using Radio Wave Signals.

Radio waves signals are ideal for carrying information long distance. Compared to other forms of light they travel more free through interstellar-gas and dust. That’s why SETI (The Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence) has focused almost the entire space on scanning for radio signals or intentional messages. The 1977 radio wave signals from space are still a mystery to us. Scientists are thinking maybe it is our nearest galaxy proxima centauri signal.

Our own radio transmissions have now traveled 100 light years and reached 75 star systems, some of which include habitable planets. If alien intelligence lies beyond this bubble of signals, they could Still infer life on earth by sporting oxygen in our atmosphere. Now we have  scanned 10 of millions of stars for signals. But despite all this after 6 decades of searching we found nothing. Only a series of false alarms And dead-end leads, we call it “The Great Silence”.

Laser Light:

In reality the search barely even began. There are two trillion other galaxies out there that are Still too far away for practical study. If space is the size of all Earth’s oceans, we would have searched less than a pool’s worth of water for signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life. On top of this, we might even be looking for the wrong thing. There’s more than one-way to communicate across space. Alien life might view radio as primitive technology. We have to consider every possible alternative, from the practical to the unimaginable. 

How to contact aliens extra terrestrial life.
Observable signal of all is Laser Light.

The search is now underway for different types of signals. One we could even spot with the naked eye like Laser light. High power laser bursts can outshine a star by thousands of times. And can carry far more DPS (Data Per Second) than radio. We would have to be in direct-line of sight to detect the beam. But spread across many light years they would widen to encompass entire planets and moons.

Fleets of laser beacons could be used to sweep the entire galaxy. Like alien lighthouses in a cosmic sea. Thanks to our recent crowdfunding effort plans are now in motion to watch the entire night sky for laser pulses. But while these bright flashes would be easy to find, advanced life might be using something far more elusive; Neutrinos.


Tiny subatomic particles that are streaming through you by the trillions every second. These ghost particles can pass through entire planets and not touch a single atom. It takes a giant room like SUPER -KAMIOKANDE DETECTOR, MOUNT IKENO, JAPAN for a handful of them per day. But researchers recently proved neutrino communication is possible. (Demonstration of Communication Using Neutrinos, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL60510-J.Kilmer) By sending a sample through 240 meters of rocks.

How to contact aliens neutrinos
The strongest possible messenger Neutrino.

If advanced extraterrestrial life is using them to communicate, their signals could travel anywhere through any obstacle at the speed of light. Their messages could be streaming through us right now and we would have no idea. Or maybe intelligent life is taking an entirely different approach to communication; using space time itself as a medium.

Space Time Manipulation:

By manipulating high-gravity objects, they could create pattern distortions of space-time. Which could ripple through the universe in all directions. In theory it’s possible but making gravity waves strong enough to be detectable would be extremely energy-intensive.

How to contact aliens space time manipulation.
Space-Time manipulation creates Gravitational Wave.

Blocking Starlight:

Maybe Alien Signals are something far simpler. Placing giant Sunshades into orbit around a star could block out starlight in a district pattern, like a kind of cosmic Morse code. And even though it might take a year to link out a basic message. A system like this requires little effort to sustain.

How to contact aliens Blocking starlight
Using a dyson sphere to block the starlight.

Code in DNA:

The most Sci-Fi possibility of all is that they have left a message in our DNA. Some have proposed that certain sequences of our genes could contain hidden messages. it’s not an Alien Signals but a message How to Contact Aliens. Easter eggs in our genetic code are placed by a life-designing higher intelligence. But far-flung scenarios like this are overshadowed by a more sobering possibility. Maybe we are Just in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

How to contact aliens Code In DNA
The ultimate Information is inside our DNA.

What if we are on an alien planet?

Using a detailed computer model of our galaxy, researchers have estimated that intelligent life was possibly most concentrated 4 billion years ago and closer to the center of the galaxy. If it’s true, we  would exist on the outskirts, light-years away and millions of years too late to a galactic Golden Age. 

How to contact aliens we are the alien.
What if aliens were here before us?

Maybe Extraterrestrial life was here millions of years ago, witness to a whole different planet. By now they might all be long gone and we would be living in a ‘Galactic Graveyard’. It may not be their signal that we find one day but their relics. As it turns out, our chances of finding an alien civilization depend on their average survival time. If the average lifetime is something like 100 years then they will blip in and out of existence. Rarely overlapping and our chances of finding one alive are slim. But if they survive for 1000 of years or more then our chances will skyrocket as the potential for overlap expands.

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